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An AP® computer science course is one of the best ways for students to get a better understanding of how critical computing is to the world today through first-hand experience.
This course will help you build a solid foundation in programming - Java in particular - and familiarize you with the fundamental concepts needed to successfully analyze, write, and test code.
Learn from instructors with real-world experience and acquire coding skills that are both practical and pertinent.
Course Duration
6 - 12 months (depending on the Blocks chosen)
Lesson Length
60 minutes
Class Size
Maximum 5 (per group)
High School Students
Be actively involved every step of the way
Acquire skills that matter in today's ever-changing world
Get support from professional programmers with real-world experience
Pick a time and lesson that suit your needs with our Pay-Per-Block system
Our 1-to-1 lessons offer you a unique opportunity to work more closely with your instructor and get a more in-depth understanding of the course by zeroing in on aspects that are fundamental to your success. As such, 1-to-1 lessons are indispensable to those looking for a more customized and personalized learning experience.
In principle, our 1-to-1 lessons generally follow the same course structure as our group lessons. You have complete control over what Blocks you would like to enroll in, just as you would in group lessons, but with the added benefit of being able to choose the order in which you would like to take each Block. You also have more flexibility in choosing a schedule that is most convenient for you*.
Please provide us with a few details by clicking the button below, and a member of our Website Development Course team will get back to you with a recommended curriculum and pricing details.
*Please note that while we will try our utmost to accommodate your scheduling demands, It ultimately depends on the availability of our instructors. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Mexico City, Mexico
Disclaimer: Advanced Placement (AP®) is a registered trademark of College Board.
By using this website, you agree that you fully understand that neither this site nor this course is affiliated to, approved, or endorsed by College Board and/or its affiliates.
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